Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy (belated) Deewali!!

Happy Deepavali!! (The Festival of Lights)

I have enjoyed my Deewali... After a long time I burst crackers; that too with my parents, my brother and my hubby. 

Though the weather was not good and it was all cloudy and rainy weather; fortunately there was no rain in the night. The crackers would have burst even better had it been sunny. It was fun painting the Diyas, then organising them and put the right amount of oil to it and then lighting the Diyas. It was really a great experience. And after a long time I did the Puja myself. 

Oh!! I feel great when I recollect the memories,  except a few. One of those is when a burnt out cracker suddenly swifted to Dinu's leg and he burnt his leg's lower skin. He could not walk properly for around 2-3 days. Mupimet ointment showed it's magic. So he was fine by the 3rd day. I missed my sister a lot. She had night shift that day. But I hope she enjoyed wearing her traditional Lehenga / Saree. 

I tried some photography. Many personal and few object oriented. I tried take the pics of the twins we have as neighbors. Bubbly was hiding her face a lot, thus it was a bit challenging. Bubble was always ready for snaps. However, he smiles only when Bubbly smiles. 

Here are some of those pics, including one of Bubbly & Bubble:

I still have some of the crackers left, for may be later use in some other festival. :)

I hope you too have enjoyed the festival. 
Happy Deewali once again!!

♥ ~ Smile

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gift for a Friend - 06

A gift that I created for my Mom, for my home. These are made of ice-cream sticks, lace, small rings, plastic flower, bells, plastic stands. There are a few more with some other design which I don't have the pic at the moment.

I made the orange colored one in the year 2002-3 and the maroon colored one in the year 2008.

How to make it?

For the bottom stand:
Take 6x6 sticks and cut 1/4 of it out and shape the 3/4 piece's edges to semi-circle shapes.
Arrange he first 6 sticks in hexagonal shape and stick their edges with Fevicol.
Then above this pattern stick other 6 sticks in hexagonal shape only.
Continue this for other 6x4 sticks.
thus, we have the hexagonal base of 6x6 sticks.

For the rest of the pot:
Take 6x24 sticks. Arrange the first 6x6 sticks in hexagonal pattern in increasing order. When you would be sticking those sticks with Fevicol, the shape would look small steps formed out of the sticks.

Now, take the other 6x6 sticks and arrange it one above another, maintaining the hexagonal shape. You may notice the middle part it looks like a bigger version of the bottom stand. This is how it should be arranged.

For the pot's neck part, take the other 6x6 sticks and follow STEP 3 in reverse manner. Take the other 6x6 sticks and follow STEP 3 as it is.

Allow the Fevicol to dry. The decorate the pot / vase with lace, rings, bells, sparkles, plastic flowers etc. Decorate it just the way you feel like. And the pot would look beautiful.

I know the instructions are brief, but I can't help it. I feel bored to write detail instructions. :(

Hope you like my flower vase.
Thanks for looking!!

♥ ~ Smile

Friday, November 5, 2010

Gift for a Friend - 05

Here's a greeting card with snow white on the front page. I created for a hostel mate who presented it to her sister. Fortunately I had this snow white picture with me. So, thought of drawing it on a design paper. It's may not so attractive but I like the expression caught in the drawing.

~ Smile

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gift for a Friend - 04

This sketch is the one that I gave to one of my of my friends during my Engineering college days. It was presented to him on his birthday. I liked it so much that I thought of scanning it before I give it to him. I had a greeting card, I guess Archies greeting card with this picture in it. I drew this in the year 2002-3, I guess.

Anyway, here's the sketch:
I can't believe that it used to come up so well in those days.

I had presented to so many to so many people but the idea of scanning had never come. Otherwise I would have all the beautiful drawings I had done, which unfortunately doesn't come up so well now.

After scanning that I have colored it using Flash software and added some features to it like twinkling stars etc. Here's the colored version of it:

Hope you like it.

 ~ Smile

Monday, November 1, 2010

3 points a woman

This is what a Well-Qualified, Professionally Independent girl is and this is what she wants in her life:

First… She needs a secured monthly income of her own, for which she spent day & night in study room during her academic life. She wants to fulfill her needs, materialistic ones, and doesn’t want to depend for the small things she loves to spend on. Her existence is associated with her performance, that’s what her parents & her teachers have taught her. She needs her recognition because that gives her a reason to respect herself.

Second… She needs her society, her associates to share her experience and her views - to improve herself. She is open minded, loves to be pure & honest. Unlike her mother she needs one life partner, who can be her Friend, not her God - because she can perform, she can earn, she can decide, like her Dad. She is able to go places and adjust with the people around there. Till now in her life she got inspiration to be like her dad.

Third… She is taught to solve all the challenges herself through affection. She has the courage to struggle and survive through tough situation without needing a person to help her. She has the power to face any challenge, without having anyone beside her.

Now, even though the guys know how she is, and what she wants to do; they agree to these and then revert from their own opinions - they just suddenly change their opinions and their expectations. Why are guy so confused about what they want in life? And why are girls are so clear about what they want? I am sure there many girls who think like the above and there are many for whom the whole world is just their home. At least I am not like the one who is just confined to the four walls and the people in those four walls.

Can anyone answer me? I am so confused about this. And some time these thoughts haunt me a lot. Is anyone listening to me?

♥ ~ Smile
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