Sunday, December 13, 2009

Recipe for a Pure Environment [CC # 2]

Today we see pollution all around us. Dirty dark greasy pollution damages starting from our skin to our hair to our respiratory system etc. etc. etc. Our environment is really getting spoiled now.

I have a recipe to have a pure environment. However, its not about the one that is affecting just our external self. It affects our inner self too.

I am talking about the pollution, which surrounds us wherever we are, wherever we go. I am talking about the ill-feelings we have that cause inner pollution. Depression, Anger, Fear, Disgust – where are they generated from? They are not generated from our hands, legs, lungs, or respiratory tubes. These are generated from our thoughts.

One of the timeless truths of successful living can be stated as:
Your thoughts form your world.

To add more Earl Nightingale has rightly said, “You become what your mind thinks!

What you focus on your life grows, what you think expands and what you dwell on determines your destiny. Life is a self fulfilling prophecy – it gives you just about what you expect from it. To add to it there’s a famous saying:
Thoughts can make you,
                Thoughts can break you”.

So, given this principle the first step to become happier, a serene person is to manage your thoughts and purify your thinking.

I’ll provide you with 3 ingredients which would help you improve the quality of your personal environment.

Let me start with the first ingredient: It’s your Surrounding.

Our surroundings shape our moods, our thoughts and our dreams. Take a good, hard look at your surrounding because your thoughts are associated by the people you associate with, by the books you read, by the words you speak, by the food you intake and by your daily physical surroundings. I keep a flower or two in a vase next to my bed. That gives a fresh feeling; it helps me release my stress after the work hours.

Are you spending your time at work with negative people? Do your friends always speak to you that they are dissatisfied with their work life / married life? If so, they will eventually make you negative and cynical.

Are you watching violent TV shows or mindless videos at home? If so, your mind will grow restless and noisy.

Is the space you work in bright, colorful and inspiring? Over the coming weeks, I would suggest you to take steps to make the place you work and live in, a better one. You will quickly detect the improvements in the way you think, feel and act.

Now, the next ingredient is – Food.

The foods you consume affect your mood as well as clarity of your thinking. This is why the ancient sages ate light foods.

Just think, if you owned an expensive formula one race car, you would not think of fueling it with anything less than premium grade gas. Anything less would reduce its performance.

Then, why would you put anything less than the best food into your body which is even more valuable performance vehicle? Eating wrong foods in large quantity would reduce your energy level, affect your health and prevent your mind from serving you with its fullest. Every greasy lunch reduce your motivational level.

In order to boost your energy level and your mood is to getting into a habit of starting your day with a glass full of fresh juice.

“Jerry Maguire” – Tom Cruise in the character of Jerry Maguire is playing the role of a hard driving sports agent. And this scene is one of the memorable scenes where he has just signed up one of the hottest draft picks in football and as he drives away from the athlete’s home in a state of utter joy, impatiently searches from station to station in his car radio, for the kind of song he can turn up loud and sing along to the top of his lungs. Finally he finds it – Tom Patty’s hit “Free falling” and he begins to sing his heart out.

I hope you must have guessed it by now.
Yes, the third ingredient is – Music.

Now, do you remember those times when you heard just the right song at just the right moment? In those moments, you felt fully alive, full of energy and happiness; and all because a few chords strung together, in right sequence. Music can do that to you. It can lift your mood, put a smile back on your face and add immeasurably to your quality of life.

Get serious about listening to music that inspires you. Build a collection of your favorite pieces and play something that fills your heart with joy every single day of your week,

Now, I would suggest you to fuel your body with some fresh juice, your mind with some great music and some inspiring thoughts. These would help you to create a cheerful environment.

Now, I would leave you with a final thought,
A first class environment is an investment and not an expense !!

I hope you would relish my recipe. You can drop your comments, your feedback in the comment section. Would love to receive them. Would come up with more recipes very soon.

Catch you in my next blog...
♥ ~ Smile

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